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The key to the perfect apartment: Effective cooperation with interior designers and architects

How to conduct effective cooperation with interior designers and architects? What does such cooperation look like? Answering these questions is the key to the success of your project. In this article, devoted to cooperation with interior designers and architects, we will present specific advice that will help you effectively communicate your visions and needs, choose the right specialists in the industry and achieve the right final effect of the project.

Important Information

  • The added value of cooperation with an interior designer is their involvement at an early stage of planning, which will allow you to optimize the interior space and reduce costs in the event of errors resulting from inexperience.
  • Professional communication and effective expression of opinions are key to achieving success in the interior design and implementation process.
  • The use of modern technologies such as 3D visualizations, AR, VR and 3D printing introduces a revolution in interior design, allowing projects to be better tailored to individual customer expectations.

When is it worth deciding to cooperate with an interior designer or architect?

The decision to cooperate with an interior designer and interior architects should come when we plan significant changes in our surroundings - whether when purchasing an apartment, renovating it, or building a house. The added value is the involvement of these specialists (interior architects, interior designers) at the early planning stage, which allows you to optimize the space and potentially reduce the costs of changes. Or maybe you are faced with the perfect choice of apartment and are wondering which one will best meet your expectations? An interior designer can help you compare the pros and cons of different options, suggesting the best solutions. Hiring interior designers is an investment that will pay off in the long run. Therefore, it is worth considering interior design as an important element of the process.

However, when we consider whether we need an interior designer or an architect, we should keep the scope of the project in mind. Building a house often requires the support of an architect, while the arrangement and development of living space may be the domain of an interior designer.

How to choose the right interior designer and architect?

Choosing an interior designer or architect is a decision that should not be made lightly. First of all, it is worth paying attention to:

  • specialist's portfolio to check whether the style of his work meets our expectations
  • professional experience, which is as important as practical skills
  • practical skills that do not always go hand in hand with formal qualifications

Before deciding on cooperation, let's also determine the scope of our design needs. Maybe we just need a concept, or maybe a comprehensive project with supervision? This will influence the selection of the right specialist. Let's find recommendations and reviews from other clients to better understand the reputation of potential candidates.

Space planning with Decomura

When thinking about the arrangement of space with an interior architect or designer, unique wallpapers and murals from Decomura can become not only a decoration, but also an inspiration for the entire project. Collections such as 'Blossom Serenity' or 'Foggy Forest' introduce an artistic accent to the interior, which gives it a unique character. 'Abstract Calm' or 'Abstract Dimensions' wallpapers can influence the perception of space, creating an atmosphere of peace or the illusion of depth.

Some patterns, such as those from the 'Concrete&Clouds' collection, combining the soft tones of the sky with the rawness of concrete, or 'Beige Swirl' and 'Heron Elegance' , can become a refined accent in any interior. When choosing Decomura products, we choose not only quality, but also uniqueness, which allows us to create unforgettable arrangements.

Interior design - Communication and shared vision

Cooperation with an interior designer and architect (interior architect) requires clear and effective communication. It is important to maintain a professional tone in the exchange of information to avoid misunderstandings. Constructively expressing opinions and suggestions, even in the event of differences of opinion, is crucial to achieving the intended goals.

Regular meetings and project updates are the basis for tracking progress and making any changes. Including the client in the design process, allowing them to actively participate in creating the vision of their space, is fundamental to satisfaction with the final result. On the project site, communication with clients is crucial to success.

Step by step design process

The design process is a path from the first concepts to the realization of dreams about a perfect interior, passing through individual stages of the project. It all starts with an analysis of the client's needs, who should precisely convey their expectations and vision of the space. Then, in the idea generation stage, designers look for inspiration and develop various concepts, always taking into account technical possibilities and limitations.

Concept design involves selecting functionalities, creating sketches, and analyzing functional systems. After usability tests and design verification, everything is ready for implementation, with every detail refined to perfection. It is worth remembering that this process requires time and commitment from both the designer and the client.

Selection of materials and furniture

The appropriate selection of materials and furniture is the basis for the aesthetics and functionality of any interior. Designers, thanks to their experience, are able to adjust these elements to meet both the practical and aesthetic needs of the room. Some furniture or equipment elements can be manufactured to order, which ensures a perfect fit and uniqueness of the interior.

Consolidation of orders by the designer is convenient for customers, who can make purchases without leaving home, often obtaining better prices for materials. The use of environmentally friendly materials is not only a trend, but also a responsibility that translates into quality of life.

The use of modern technologies in interior design

3D visualizations, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), 3D printing - these are just some of the modern technologies that are revolutionizing the interior design industry. They allow customers to realistically see the designed spaces before their implementation, thanks to the use of visualizations showing illustrative purposes.

Artificial intelligence and 3D printing enable the creation of personalized furniture and decorations that perfectly fit the individual needs of customers. The use of these technologies allows for the creation of more functional and accessible spaces, which is increasingly appreciated by customers.

Author's supervision vs. turnkey project

When choosing cooperation with an interior designer, we can decide on author's supervision or turnkey project implementation. Author's supervision is the control of compliance of the implementation with the project, often chosen by clients who cannot supervise renovation works themselves.

In turn, a turnkey project is a comprehensive service in which the design office takes full responsibility for the entire process, from design to execution. This is a convenient option for those who value time and want to be sure that all work will be carried out as planned.

Decomura as a guarantee of high quality

Decomura is synonymous with high quality in the world of artistic photo wallpapers. Our unique wallpaper collections, such as 'Beige Swirl' or 'Concrete&Clouds', are not only beautiful, but also made of the best materials. The variety of patterns and colors allows you to match it to any interior, emphasizing its individual character.

By choosing Decomura products, we are sure that we are receiving the best quality product available on the market that will satisfy even the most demanding customers.


To sum up, interior design is an art that requires cooperation with experienced specialists who can transform the client's vision into real, functional and beautiful spaces. The use of modern technologies, the appropriate selection of materials and furniture, and the involvement of the interior designer and architect from the beginning of the process are the key success factors. Decomura products are a guarantee of the highest quality and unique style that will distinguish our interior from others.

How much does it cost to hire a designer (Interior Designer, Interior Architect)?

The average rate per square meter that interior designers and interior architects charge can vary significantly depending on many factors, such as location, scope of the project, reputation and experience of the specialist, as well as individual client requirements. On the Polish market, rates for interior design can range from approximately PLN 150 to even over PLN 300 per square meter. However, it is worth remembering that each studio can offer various service packages, from initial concepts to comprehensive executive designs with author's supervision, which also affects the final price of the service.

The best way to obtain accurate information about rates is to contact selected studios or designers directly to obtain offers tailored to the specifics and requirements of a specific project. At this opportunity, you can also learn more about the scope of services offered, working methods and expected effects of cooperation.

The importance of effective planning and implementation of an interior design cannot be overestimated, and cooperation with an experienced interior designer who takes an individual approach to each task is crucial here. Implementation of an interior design often requires rethinking and implementing functional systems that offer both aesthetic and practical solutions. Preparing working drawings is another important step that transforms the vision into plans ready for implementation. Thanks to this process, each interior becomes a unique reflection of the client's needs, style and personality, while ensuring optimal use of space.

Let us remember that the involvement of specialists at an early stage of the project may significantly affect its final shape, functionality and costs. Regardless of whether it is a comprehensive interior transformation or subtle arrangement changes, the key to success is cooperation with designers who are able to make our dreams of a perfect apartment come true, using the latest technologies and materials. It is worth spending time finding the right specialist who will understand our expectations and help us realize them, making our interior a place from which we will not want to leave.

The most common interior design is one that takes into account both aesthetic aspects and the practical use of space, and is the result of a careful planning process and cooperation with experienced specialists. Interior designers, using their knowledge and experience, create designs that not only please the eye, but are also functional and tailored to the individual needs of users. Preparing working drawings and supervising the implementation of the project are important steps that transform the vision into reality. Thanks to this, each interior can become a unique place that reflects the customer's personality and lifestyle, while ensuring comfort and optimal use of the available space.

Finally, I quote the statement of one of my designer friends:

"In our design studio, every day we open the door to new clients who are looking not only for inspiration, but above all, professional support in the implementation of their investments. The first meeting with the client is always a key moment when visions and expectations regarding the future project are exchanged. This is also the time when we present our offer, individually tailored to the needs of each client and his budget.

It is worth considering how important it is for each design studio not only to listen to its clients, but also to propose solutions that will make the investment a source of satisfaction for them for many years. The cooperation process begins from the moment the client crosses the threshold of our studio, and its completion is a result that goes according to all arrangements.

Whether it's an apartment, house or office space, our goal is always to ensure that the design reflects the personality and lifestyle of our clients. Therefore, each project is unique to us, and our studio constantly strives to offer solutions that are innovative, functional and aesthetic at the same time.

Cooperation with our studio is a guarantee that the investment will be carried out with the greatest attention to detail, which ultimately translates into the satisfaction of our clients. They are the most important to us, and their positive opinions and recommendations are the best showcase of our studio.

Fashion & Interior - Dream Creators

Borysław Stodulski "

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